Author name: Julie Delene

Want more synergy?

What does synergy mean? “Interacting and cooperating with other agents to produce an effect greater than the sum of their separate parts.” It feels like magic. This is how partner dance can move when all the elements are engaged. In a world that separates and isolates, how do we nourish this essence?   For over 30 years, I have been facilitating leaders and teams to engage their “strategic synergy” together. Plus after 20 years teaching partner […]

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What connects us?

I recently found a gift in my Dad’s Caddy. Now mind you, I sold this Caddy a year ago last October to our neighbor and when he called to say he was planning to sell it, I said, “I’ll buy it back”. It was a cherished vehicle in our family with great memories, and I still miss my parents! So what I found tucked away in the glove compartment that was missed between exchanges was

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What if Mary Magdalene had a voice, what would she say now?

Many minds are spinning and heavily influenced by unconscious thoughts, old patterns and conditioning from decades of unaware projections into this world. This makes communication with yourself and with others flavored with meaningless chatter. Often words and actions are causing separation, confusion, anxiety, anger and fear. Pause, listen, breathe, and observe. Integrate a larger perspective. Welcome those uncomfortable parts, accept, and forgive … (for they know not what they do). Nourish peace within. Reset your

What if Mary Magdalene had a voice, what would she say now? Read More »

BIG 4th turning, how are we moving through challenges?

Friends, we are in the big fourth turning, a time of great transformation, as Neal Howe and William Strauss predicted long ago. If you are feeling stressed and out of alignment, you are NOT ALONE! My partner husband, Jerry, and I have been going through challenges with BATS in our house. I felt invaded, and wanted to move out!!! I knew it was important to be friendly with my fears, and find a way to

BIG 4th turning, how are we moving through challenges? Read More »

Awakenings at Dancing Prairie

Awakenings at Dancing Prairie We are living in our new retreat home, Dancing Prairie. Over the last two years, I’ve been healing, letting go, AWAKENING, and building for the future. I’d like to share more with you. Our dancing prairie land and spaces offer new ways to listen, connect, and gather. Join us! Together, we can weave new wisdom and care for our emerging future.  Why? Because our “normal” ways are met with resistance, confusion,

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Deepening Intimacy

For a long time now, deepening my understanding and intimacy with life has been a healing path for me. I love how James Twyman describes intimacy with a play on words, “Into Me See”. This is a strong motivation behind what I offer at Move As One. By including, cultivating, and integrating intimacy with all our treasures (heaven, earth and humanity), wisdom is realized. On that note, Ivy Kaminsky and I started a new Meetup

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From Wounds To Wisdom

Collective trauma is upon us. As a society, we have encountered destructive pain over and over again. The time is now. How do we heal together? In my experience, the healing process begins when something painful is ready to be seen, heard, acknowledged … and even loved. When I’m courageous, I can dive deeper into the pain, curiously explore, and breathe life into it. I believe most of us have worked diligently to awaken spiritually and

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Moving with your natural treasures

Dear friends, turn on your favorite music and simply move! (especially in dark times) This is a frequent inspiration I receive from my parents who both passed this year. It was a dark and mystical year for me as I supported both of them in their passage. At 90 and 92, my parents lived a full, beautiful life together. For this I am grateful :). And now I truly feel their continued love and guidance. It is remarkable!

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What is whole-system facilitation?

What is it and how can it improve relationships? We are living in transformative times. Old ways are falling apart, and stress and trauma have become all too common. When we lose our rhythm, we often forget our intuitive wisdom and inner guidance, and dismiss the joy of creating from our wholesome, interconnected nature. Using the Move As One system, you learn to integrate, heal, and bring wholeness while guiding people to co-create a better world. Explore how you can improve

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Deep in woods listening and renewing

Hello friends, I’m listening and renewing in a small cabin, deep in the woods, alone and off-grid. Caretaking for my transitioning parents has been all consuming, and I know the woods will restore me. Here’s what I have been receiving … Trust nature Tune out noise Breathe and be Let your emotions unwind Listen in this moment Connect with plants and animals Hear hummingbirds flutter by your side Sing with them All is temporary Today

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