Feeling frustrated? ecoCreate from within

Feeling frustrated? ecoCreate from within.
Turn to nature as your resource for balanced wisdom.

Each of us is a living, breathing and walking eco-system. When you ecoCreate, you move in rhythm with your natural eco-system. When you nourish your inner eco-system, you balance the brain and vice versa. When you balance the brain, you nourish your inner resources.

Unfortunately, many of us have too much energy in our brains, too many thoughts, too much inflammation intensifying our emotions. And our brains have been conditioned to react in habitual, automatic responses that may cause more frustration and harm inside and out.

A healthy eco-system has just the right balance of energy,
not too much and not too little.

So lets balance our brains. Take a moment to sweep your brain free and let go of old thoughts, memories and reactive patterns. Easier said than done, right?

Actually, there are multiple techniques and many mindful approaches for doing this. We are in a grand time when neuroscience is proving the significance of happy, healthy brains upon our wholesome, eco-system nature. And mindfulness/yoga practices are well known.

I am sure you already know what helps to quiet your mind and bring peace to your body. Your work is to make this an automatic habit.

For now, here is a simple technique:
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Stand tall on one foot and breathe while you imagine that side of the body from head to toe releasing and letting go of everything down through your foot and into the earth. Then move to the other foot, stand tall and breathe while you imagine that side of the body from head to toe releasing and letting go of everything down through your foot and into the earth.

When you do this, your brain balances and is more available to the present moment. From this position, you can consciously rise up to meet what is next….you ecoCreate from within.

If you’d like further assistance, please join Emily Jarrett Hughes and me on Saturday, April 15th from 1-4pm. We are offering an experience called, Rising To Meet What’s Next. Together we will engage more deeply with these transformational times by attuning to our inner wisdom.

When we eco-create we mobilize the mental, physical, and emotional forces of our human potential for mindful, organic growth. Eco-creating involves human, organizational and environmental interactions to effectively engage a collective movement while remembering wholeness.

As always, wishing you peace, wisdom and joy in the movement of life,
Blessings, Julie

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