Let’s Eco-Create – help wake up our greater potential

Let’s Eco-Create –
Help wake up our greater potential

What does Eco-Create mean?
Eco-creating means we include, ignite and co-create with all elements for our greater good in our eco-systems. We can eco-create our businesses, our organizations and our communities for greater potential.

Many of us have experienced healthy eco-systems where all people, entities and elements are nourished and are working for the whole system. It feels natural, harmonious and in-tune with our innate rhythm. It is easy to be in these healthy eco-systems that work well and help all participants prosper.

In January, I was teaching at a retreat in Costa Rica sharing the 5 Mindful MovesⒸ each day. This beautiful natural setting fed us in many ways and opened more of our potential. As one of the three facilitators of the event, our work was to co-create a safe, wholesome and moving experience for us all. It truly was extraordinary!


What happens when we are out of balance?

Since returning, I must admit that my balance has been challenged especially over the last week. I am stunned and saddened by the injustices and impact of our government’s decisions.

As a result, I have found myself speaking in ways that tighten my heart and cause me fatigue. This is an example of NOT eco-creating and caring for the whole. Our greater potential is diminished by these practices.

This perspective is a clear sign for me to pause and widen my heart and respond in ways that will actually help transform confusion.

Instead, when we eco-create we mobilize the mental, physical, and emotional forces of our human potential for mindful, organic growth. Eco-creating involves human, organizational and environmental interactions to effectively engage a collective movement while remembering wholeness.

As always, wishing you joy and wisdom in the movement of life, Julie

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