What is a key ingredient to success?

Simply, your heart.

What lights your fire and inspires you? What speaks to your heart? I guarantee when you use this for inspiration, you will receive new thoughts and energy to move your intended creations forward.

Here’s a recent, personal story.

This past week my family met in Charleston, South Carolina for my niece’s
wedding. The event was infused with love throughout with each detail impeccably attended to care for each person there. It was especially heart filling for me to watch my daughter’s daughter drop flower petals as their “perfectly picked flower girl”.

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In addition, my brother surprised everyone by engaging a famous musician – Edwin McCain, singer/writer of I’ll Be Your Greatest Fan – to play a few songs with the band at the reception. My dear brother, Paul, danced with his daughter, the bride, and then with his wife as he wept with love. Needless to say, there was not a dry eye in the place.

There were 130 people at the wedding and yet it felt very intimate with  all ages included. I was on the dance floor the entire night with my grandkids, my Mom and Dad, brother, niece, nephew, daughter, son-in-law…my family.

As I danced with Paul, I asked how he managed to get the singer? He said, that was the best part. After meeting at a fundraising party, Paul called McCain’s agent to see if his contributions to two of McCain’s favorite charities would inspire the singer to play a few songs at the wedding. McCain loved the idea; it benefitted many.

Anyway, it was a glorious experience. Why? It came from their hearts and we
could all feel it! I have been riding this wave for the last few days. My heart
is filled and my life feels renewed.

Although this is an elaborate example, it doesn’t take much to re-engage your
heart. Take a moment to ask yourself – what inspires my heart?
…love for my kids or pets
…a special song, an inspiring musician
…a walk in nature
…being part of larger effort that cares for and contributes to the greater
good of all…

Take a moment to connect. When we are moved from our hearts, our energy
expands. Remember why you love what you do. Remember what speaks to your heart. Let yourself open and hear life moving inside of you. Use this energy to answer a question or release a concern.

I feel truly blessed to know my passion and to share and explore it with others. I am fascinated with how to co-create, as demonstrated in partner dance. It involves integrating all our elements and “moving as one” with ourselves, our communities, and our environment.

May 30th I’m facilitating another Women Who Move in business event. If you are small business owner, take this morning to listen and attune to your  highest vision and plan your summer business. Please check below or www.move-as-one.com for more information.

May we all feel inspired and  “moved to create”.
Blessings, Julie

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