Leading from Source – or is it being?

Walking along the bluffs of the Mississippi river, Thor, Michael, Myron and myself shared our stories about how we arrived to this moment. After clearing our thoughts, we sat in circle. We listened together in the beautiful retreat center at Schaars bluff. We discussed our experiences with “leading from source” and what this means to us.

…reaching up and moving to the vertical expression of ourselves, rather than the horizontal,
…being open and deeply listening,
…coming from wholeness and noticing resonance,
…infusing and holding the space with intention.

These were some of our thoughts. As we did this, we felt an essence, an energy build between us that was most elegant. Our dynamic conversation left us feeling touched and supported. We moved onward with more clarity about our work.

Michael Bischoff and I have been sitting together in meditation for nearly a year now listening together. Our quality of resonance with each other has grown to a deep trust.

I invite you to participate with us on Saturday, April 26, when we will hold the space for us all to listen and allow wisdom reveal itself about our work, our organizations, our community and our lives. We retreat from 9am to 4:30pm at Schaars bluff near Hastings, MN.

Find out more and sign up

Also, I am facilitating another Women Who Move in business at Tula Yoga and Wellness on Monday, April 7, from 9am to 12:30pm.

Please check below or www.movedtocreate.com for more information.

May we all feel inspired…be a fool for the day.
“Not all who wander are lost.” J.R.R.Tolkien

Blessings, Julie

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