Working toward wholeness…

Last week I was waiting for inspiration about what to write for my June newsletter. I had many ideas come and go, lots of good topics, but nothing that kept my interest. I felt I’d just be writing words and continued to feel unclear.

I felt agitated and didn’t know why. Of course I had lots of ideas about why I felt frustrated, blaming different circumstances. But the truth was, I didn’t feel aligned with myself. My energy was scattered and I was not effective.

This past weekend I met with two of my dear friends and colleagues in Decorah, Iowa. We spent a concentrated amount of time together from 1995 – 2000 learning Miracle of the Breath™ techniques and having amazing insights. We each incorporated these practices in our work as a way toward clarity, healing and wholeness. It was once again wonderful to reminisce, remember our insights, and share ways we are living and breathing now.

Then last night I was reminded again as I meditated at Common Ground. The breath is a beautiful tool to quiet one’s mind and move toward tranquility. At the point when my mind is calm, then I can investigate – where do I feel separate from myself? What is causing my agitation? Where am I focusing my mind?

A typical reaction to frustration and agitation is to try to make things outside of ourselves change. However, often our outside circumstances are not the source of blame, they are a result of separated intentions and ineffective attention.

Instead, by moving toward peace, we can open our minds and hearts and move to a place of generative listening. A place where we can clearly see the source of our agitation, while we align with wholeness. Here we can effectively choose our attention and make decisions that will further our desired movements. Here we feel “moved to create“.

On Wednesday, August 13, Michael Bischoff, Thor and I will be offering another Leading From Source event. Our desire is to hold space for those who want to lead in a clear way. Our intention is to point the way toward source energy and wholeness, while we make better decisions about our work, lives and organizations.

Please know I am always available to work in private meetings too with yourself and/or your teams. Check below or for more information.

May we all work together toward wholeness in ourselves, our organizations and our communities. Blessings, Julie

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