Dancing Makes You Smarter!

08_08_0It’s true, and substantiated now by a study from Stanford. A 21-year study of senior citizens, led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC. They studied cognitive activities such as reading books, writing, doing crossword puzzles, playing cards and musical instruments. And physical activities like playing tennis or golf, swimming, bicycling, dancing, walking for exercise and doing housework.

More than any other activities, they discovered dancing, and specifically partner dancing, such as foxtrot, waltz, rumba, etc. improves the brain by 76%. Why? Neuroplasticity – dance stimulates and improve neural qualities. Check out more at http://socialdance.stanford.edu/syllabi/smarter.htm

There are many benefits to partner dancing. It is a creative way to express yourself, connect with others, improve your health, and stimulate your whole energy system. It enhances your joy, abundance, and romance qualities. You feel “moved to create”.

In honor of all this, and in celebration of my new book (Moved To Create), I’m hosting a FREE dance party, Saturday night, November 9, from 7:00 – 10:00pm. In 2 weeks, expect lots of fun, with dance lessons, performances, and great music. It begins at 7pm with a lesson in circle dance with Emily Jarrett Hughes, then 7:30pm a lesson from me on the “art of connection” in partner dance. Beginning at 8pm will be some dance performances, a few thoughts from my book, and then more dancing and music for the rest of the night from Shinya McHenry of Dance Life studio, the original owner of this beautiful studio.

More information follows, or check my website www.movedtocreate.com.
Really hope you can join us! Please invite your friends.
And keep on dancing….Julie

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