Consciousness of connection

For Thanksgiving my daughter and son-in-law took us all to the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, at Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. It was a wonderful gift and an extraordinary production! What struck me during our time together was how this music connected our hearts, and at the same time, it connected us through time. The songs not only linked us to an experience in history about “traditions”, it also brought me back to my marriage with my daughter’s father. Way back when, we chose two of the songs from Fiddler on the Roof to be sung during our wedding ceremony. So here I am on Thanksgiving Day, able to share this experience of music with my daughter and grandkids and reminisce. It was a beautiful and memorable point of connection that thoroughly touched my heart.

At the end of our holiday weekend, I took my parents to the bus station at the very early hour of 5:30am… in the morning. Anyway, as I began to walk away after struggling to get them there on time and cart their belongings, I turned back for one last look. My mother and I locked eyes for a pause and expressed our love again. We were not close in proximity, we had space between us. Yet, this point of connection was palpable and felt even more meaningful because we were no longer struggling with the details. A moment I will cherish, as their trips here become fewer.

The point is we have many opportunities to notice the consciousness of connection. For example, the holidays, a musical event, an organization are all infused with a common intent. These experiences are undergirded with a field of consciousness that connects us all. Opening and noticing this field of consciousness offers us more understanding and expands our hearts. From this awareness we can consciously choose the connections we want to participate and perpetuate.

If you would like to play with the “art of connection”, check out the programs below. They include:

  • Miracle of the Breath  – 1 hour FREE classes to      quiet our minds and attune with the stillness of consciousness
  • Move Into Your Best Year Yet – a lunch workshop for      business owners to align with a clear vision and choose strategies they      want to further in the new year
  • Move To Romance – date nights for couples and      pairs continues the 3rd Thursday of each month

Finally, thank you, thank you
to all who celebrated on November 9 in my book launch dance party!
book launch Nov IMG_3830  Pictures are from the event. Certainly another memorable
connection, albeit a bit overwhelming for me.

Happy Holidays! Julie

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