WISE WOMEN are transforming the world!

It has long been my desire to connect and cross-pollinate the wonderfully wise women I work with as clients, colleagues, and co-creative partners.

For decades, we have been on a journey of awakening. Presently, we carry with us much wisdom and success. Thus begins our opportunity to share ourselves, deepen our connections, and grow together using our collective wisdom in these WISE WOMEN events.

To give you an idea of the wise women who are sitting at these tables, I thought I’d highlight some of them. I begin with Carole Hyder, my friend, colleague, and courageous entrepreneur.

Twenty years ago, Carole founded the Wind and Water School of Feng Shui. Forging a new way in our world, she has taken risks and remains true to her purpose. Carole has worked tirelessly opening perspectives through numerous presentations while moving through resistance, judgments, and confusion about this new way.

Through the years, Carole has graduated hundreds of people through her school. She holds her students accountable to a depth of quality and immeasurable high standards. Because of Carole’s focused attention, a new community has been built as wise agents toward this eastern approach. She is a courageous entrepreneur!

Carole and I have worked together in a number of ways. She has engaged me as a consultant to her organization as she navigated transitions. We have collaborated together to create joint programs. And we have attended each other’s programs. I too am a graduate of Wind and Water school’s 2006 class. This is where I was further influenced with the five elemental eastern system.

There are many reasons I honor and respect Carole. For one, she continues as an authentic creator and remains curious with her future next steps. This thirst for personal fulfillment and alignment with her soul-filled purpose keeps her coming to the Wise Women table to explore. She truly is a “wise woman”!

After a recent Wise Women experience, Carole wrote this message to me:

“Just wanted to let you know how beautifully today went.
It seemed like everyone benefited in a big way.
You have certainly made this process a powerful one.
You are masterful at facilitating the information and guiding
us along the way. Thank you.”

If you want to learn more about the WISE WOMEN events, please check more below or at allwisemoves.com.

For more information about Carole Hyder’s school, please check windwaterschool.com.

WISE WOMEN events are here to inspire and support your wisdom to:
+ stay in rhythm with yourself
+ fulfill your soul-filled purpose
+ develop the future of financial well-being
+ co-create a better world with other wise women

If you are interested in the WISE WOMEN events, you are invited to a FREE introductory experience.

Join Sharon Krumme and Julie Delene on the 34th floor of the IDS Center on Tuesday, March 13 or Thursday, March 22 from 4:30–6:00pm (parking is covered).

Together, we will explore what is important to you and what needs to transform. Then, we will play a couple rounds of Your Wise Move (a Move As One game) for a fun way to re-create and align with your purpose.

Quickly, you will experience how a collective wisdom is ignited. Share your desire for the future, while expanding your possibilities with other wise women.

Or if you are ready to join a four-hour dinner conversation in Sharon’s elegant home, please register here for Wednesday, April 4th. Limited to 10 women. More information below.

Many blessings, Julie

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