I’m excited to share with you interviews with wonderful changemakers who are making a difference in our world.

In our dynamic conversations, I pick cards from the Move As One game, Your Wise Moves™. The question for each changemaker is – “how do you stay inspired? How do you remember your Source?

Please view the introductory video HERE. Following is a list of YouTube videos. Click to watch them.

Being a good relative (part 1) with Elaine Rasmussen, founder of Social Impact Strategies Group. Elaine’s perspective is rich with experience as a black woman building investors and influencing our social landscape for a better future. She shares her expansive wisdom about how she stays inspired and grows while engaging and understanding others. We continue our discussion about widening the circle. Please check out part 2 –Impacting all relatives. 

Letting go of story with Jinny Ditzler, founder of Best Year Yet. Jinny shares her seasoned experience and how she remembers her wisdom. A few years ago, Jinny and her husband were experiencing some issues, so she applied her wisdom to their relationship. Find out what happens…

Master Your Energy with Mary Zelmer, founder of Qigong Connection. Mary started this community-based qigong group in 2010 for all who wish to practice mastering energy. She is a powerful healer in our community. Mary and I discuss how she continues to master her energy. It is such a helpful reminder.

Fully Showing Up with Mariann Johnson, a meditation teacher. Mariann reminds people to come home to themselves and fully show up to their lives. Recently she joined United Health Group and left her private consulting work. How does she stay inspired? She roots herself like a tree and blossoms like a flower.

Always Learning with Anne O’Connor, founder of Metamorphix. After working as a leader at Organic Valley, Anne is launching on her own with Metamorphix to empower women. How does she stay inspired? She sees the learning opportunity in everything.

Courage with Laurie Oswald, CEO of Best Year Yet and Effective Edge. Laurie and her team are expanding into multiple countries as the larger vision comes alive. How does she stay inspired? She stands in the integrity of the work for courage.

Roots of Cultural Wounds with Katherine Curran, MN Center For Systemic Constellations. Katherine recently started the MN Institute of Systemic Constellations with her husband. The opportunity is to heal the roots of our cultural wounds and trauma.

Listen With Your Skin with Barbara McAfee, Full Voice. Barbara is a singer/song-writer/author and teaches people how to bring out one’s full voice. Her message is powerful about how she stays “in tune” as she shares her purposeful work.

When Bad Stuff Happens with Dawn Morningstar, Venerable Women. Dawn recently had a hit and run experience that totaled her car. She shares this experience in our conversation and how “remembering her source” helped her get through it. Dawn’s perspective is full of love.

Be in Natural Rhythm with Kathy Flaminio, 1000-Petals. Kathy brings mindfulness practices to our school systems. As my client, I’ve seen first-hand the powerful force she is in our community. We discuss how she remembers Source with natural rhythms.

Embodiment with Emily Jarrett Hughes, Wisdom Dances. Emily is a kind, gentle and very powerful changemaker. We discuss how she remembers Source, specifically through embodiment. Emily and I have been connecting and playing together for a number of years. We share our love for dance, qigong, and nature. As a cancer survivor, she uses these tools daily.

Changing Face of Church with John Johnson, Change Making Systems. John was ordained a Lutheran minister over 40 years ago, and shortly after he founded Change Making Systems to support the movement of change he experienced back then and now. It is a large topic and  John always brings a broad perspective.

My intention is to point to a practice that will support us all through these transformational times. The game helps to move the conversation in a healthy and meaningful way to stay resilient and inspired.

See the calendar for opportunities to play the game yourself. I wish to help keep you inspired on your unique path.

Why? We need awake, mindful, inspired, co-creative, well-intentioned people to bring about a better world. Let us all remain curious, compassionate and courageous.

With love, Julie

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