Fifth of 5 Mindful Moves

#5 Sustain momentum – maintain efforts with practice, structure, support.

This 5th Mindful Move offers stability and sustainability for transition by hosting, grounding and providing an overall sense of well-being.

• Practice new habits by putting them into a routine or making it a game.
• Establish circles of support with a coach, mentors and supportive colleagues and friends.
• Connect with your environments – your office, home, nature – and set-up sacred spaces to host and hold you as you transition.

Shortly after beginning to ballroom dance, my teacher choreographed a few dances for us to showcase. The benefits of these routines were powerful for learning. The routine provided a safe structure for growth and I could work to improve each step. Once the steps were learned, it became much easier to participate in the moment with more awareness and co-create the “dance”.

In my work, I support my purpose and desired creations by using the Best Year Yet system and I practice mindfulness daily. As I breathe into my intentions, I feel more alignment and deepen my understanding. It nurtures my inner ecosystem to more naturally “move as one”.

Evolving into new ways of being often requires patience and persistence…while making friends with change and fear. Today I am on the Dana Wilde Mind Aware show discussing how pain/fear can be a source of transformation. Check it out:

This 5th Mindful Move is vital to the whole. For further practice, I also
• weave my network of colleagues and connections,
• play and slow down in nature, and
• surround my work and home environment with Feng Shui wisdom.

Connecting with the larger ecosystem helps me realize the whole and my wholeness. The entire dance floor of interconnection comes alive. Synchronicity becomes a regular occurrence.

When I listen and work with clients, together we observe their ecosystem. Often, patterns that don’t support growth are revealed. And in most cases there is dormant energy ready to be born. Vibrancy is renewed as we establish clarity and systems that support the new awareness.

If you’d like to support your ecosystem and “move into your best year yet” in 2016. Please explore more below or contact me at

Blessings, Julie

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