Second of 5 Mindful Moves

Second of 5 Mindful Moves
– #2 Open your body, mind and heart – release resistance, broaden perspective and expand creativity.

This 2nd mindful move brings inspiration and renewal of creative energy by connecting with the formless and opening to the flow of life.


• Explore best practices and creative inspirations to help release old paradigms that limit.
• Open and expand your body and breath using mindful connection (dance, yoga, meditation, walking). Breathe with the flow of water.
• Ask questions, connect with your community and align with higher wisdom and nature for guidance.
As you move into OPEN space, you may feel uncomfortable and vulnerable for a bit. Letting go of confining thoughts and attachments will allow you to move from “me” to “we”. Feelings of liberation will shortly follow.

This past Monday, I had an open, broad, “we” experience at the Bush Foundation’s Bush Connect event at the Guthrie. Over a thousand of us were there opening our perspectives with great ideas and many, many connections. To say it was outstanding, doesn’t do it justice.

One session I attended was called 99% Invisible, by Roman Mars. He offers a tiny radio show about design and the 99% invisible activity that shapes our world. It was a fascinating how our design can exclude people or create inclusive communities.

Next, I was fortunate to be the facilitator for Dr. Marla Spivak, a beekeeper from the U of M. She discussed how we can pollinate our world by opening to the needs of bees as a portal to social change. We can all help by planting native plants in our yards. How we treat our immediate environment directly affects us, we are all connected.

I feel that my part to play is to share the 5 Mindful Moves™ as a doorway to social change. Twenty years experiencing and sharing these moves, provides a lot of confidence and clarity.

May we all be wise in the movement of life,
Blessings, Julie

Majority rule, and majority rule may preclude the need for those reforms that could overreach!
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