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Second of 5 Mindful Moves

Second of 5 Mindful Moves
#2 Open your body, mind and heart – release resistance, broaden perspective and expand creativity.

This 2nd mindful move brings inspiration and renewal of creative energy by connecting with the formless and opening to the flow of life.


• Explore best practices and creative inspirations to help release old paradigms that limit.
• Open and expand your body and breath using mindful connection (dance, yoga, meditation, walking). Breathe with the flow of water.
• Ask questions, connect with your community and align with higher wisdom and nature for guidance.

As you move into OPEN space, you may feel uncomfortable and vulnerable for a bit. Letting go of confining thoughts and attachments will allow you to move from “me” to “we”. Feelings of liberation will shortly follow.

This past Monday, I had an open, broad, “we” experience at the Bush Foundation’s Bush Connect event at the Guthrie. Over a thousand of us were there opening our perspectives with great ideas and many, many connections. To say it was outstanding, doesn’t do it justice.

One session I attended was called 99% Invisible, by Roman Mars. He offers a tiny radio show about design and the 99% invisible activity that shapes our world. It was a fascinating how our design can exclude people or create inclusive communities. http://99percentinvisible.org/

Next, I was fortunate to be the facilitator for Dr. Marla Spivak, a beekeeper from the U of M. She discussed how we can pollinate our world by opening to the needs of bees as a portal to social change. We can all help by planting native plants in our yards. How we treat our immediate environment directly affects us, we are all connected. http://beelab.umn.edu/BeeSquad/

I feel that my part to play is to share the 5 Mindful Moves™ as a doorway to social change. Twenty years experiencing and sharing these moves, provides a lot of confidence and clarity.

May we all be wise in the movement of life,
Blessings, Julie

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