First of 5 Mindful Moves

This year I’d like to make it simple, fun and possible for you to create what you/we truly desire.

How? …by using the 5 Mindful Moves™.

Begin with cycle 1: Map where you are
– observe and reflect in this moment.

This first “mindful move” reveals wisdom and brings awareness to the quality of your life and work by observing this moment and chipping away everything that is not useful.

•Connect with your body by breathing in and notice how you feel.
•Be present to your current experience and appreciate all that you have created up to this point.
•Acknowledge old habits and thoughts that constrict your breathing and may no longer serve you.

That is it! By being present, you can pause, reflect, acknowledge, appreciate and/or stop unwanted momentum.

To help with the fun factor, I’ve created the 5 Mindful Moves Game. It is still in design development, but currently I am using it with leaders and teams in meetings and having great results!

Watch the game in action by checking out this video created by my 12 year old friend, Isaiah Bischoff.

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