Finding your center

In partner dance it is important for each dancer to be grounded in their own centers before joining. There are three centers we refer to in dance – 1) abdomen, 2) heart and 3) forehead. Heart center is most important.

Then, when you join with your partner, your center changes as you engage. The connection is literally body to body, heart to heart, and breath to breath. When you move apart, you must ground back into your own center again to remain balanced. All this requires conscious awareness.

This dance is true in our lives as well. We mingle and weave together with others to co-create for periodic intervals. Then we ground back to our own centers and lives.

I find the awareness of my center to be foundational for what I call “embodied co-creating“. To be fully grounded, engaged, clear, open and purposeful is a powerful stance. On the contrary, when I lose my center, I feel ungrounded, unclear and am not as potent in consciously creating. My heart tends to be tight without realizing.

Finding my center can be easy. Simply, I embody a breath fully grounding it into my abdomen and heart. Test it for yourself right now. Notice how much more relaxed you become. Studies report we improve our brain function and think more clearly when we connect body and breath.

This embodiment and integration has been an ongoing journey for me as I discover how to strengthen this Source energy, while understanding the many ways I disconnect from myself. I have found my disconnects are related to old patterns and traumas that have caused me separation. Who wants to stay in their body when it is scared or painful?

Currently, I am finding this dance with my center a helpful and conscious practice as I breathe with my 84 year old mother through the healing process (she is growing stronger each day since a successful lung cancer surgery). Our centers join, then I leave and re-establish where I am. At times it takes a bit of alignment to feel myself clearly again.

This is how I work with ongoing clients, who tend to be women leaders who are moving the world. They come with a hint of a vision for what they feel compelled to create. Together we infuse life and potent energy into this vision. We clarify and bring more form to it. Within 6 months they are seeing the fruits of this co-creation come alive.

I’m excited to present this topic – Move As One for Embodied Co-Creation – at the Association for Transformational Leaders next week Thursday, October 8th. If interested, please check more at Also, I’ll be dancing at the Women and Spirituality Conference in Mankato at the Venerable Women vendor table on October 12th.

Or see me in action right now, take 2 minutes to watch my video on this topic. Let me know what you think. Thank you!

For more information regarding upcoming events and workshops, please check at
Wishing you all a powerful center!
Blessings, Julie Cool Wolf Party Spielautomat – Spielanleitung für jeden Geschmack – – Casino Spiele

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