Flip, Float, Flow

Flip, Float, Flow

This summer I was back in my hometown for a reunion with my high school girlfriends. Our small town of 10,000 people in Port Washington, Wisconsin is beautifully located on Lake Michigan. As we shared our current lives, one friend reported a story of a teenage boy who was caught in Lake Michigan’s strong current as he swam with friends. Unfortunately, he tried to fight against the current and lost. Another friend spoke up and said “he didn’t know the protocol: flip – float – flow.”

I was struck by the simplicity of the words and couldn’t help but notice the metaphor in life. When we hit a wall, a current so large in our life and we don’t feel we have control, then perhaps it is best to flip, float, and flow as a response.

In fact, I have been putting this into practice a lot lately!! My mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Fortunately, it was detected early and relatively easy to remove. However, as you can imagine, there have been many twists and turns through this healing process and lots of waiting/patience in between. Needless to say, I have found this practice of “flip, float, flow” to be extremely helpful!

As many of you know, I use the 5 elements to discuss the energy in creating a balanced business. In particular, the generative energy of the water element initiates the co-creative process. Thus you can see, the words flip, float, flow are apropos.

So take a moment to practically apply this to your work and business. Pause, open and find the water. Following are some water questions to ask yourself:

  • What is flowing well now?
  • How can I open and expand the energy?
  • What creative options could I imagine, if I released limitations?
  • What are some innovative ideas or best practices that offer new inspiration?
  • Within the larger community, who and how well does my business serve?

Or identify your own question regarding a particular concern or area of growth. Then flip and look upward, float by opening and allowing, and experience a flow of Source energy move through you for the rest of the day. Notice as you receive answers and more clarity.

On Friday, September 12th, join us to open further in the Women Who Move in Business meeting. We will be exploring Feng Shui practices and principles, and additional ways to optimize your business. If you are interested in preparing your business to thrive with other women business owners, please join us. More information is at http://www.movedtocreate.com/events/upcoming/

In the meantime, take many moments to flip, float and flow. Blessings, Julie

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