Strategic Facilitation Process

The Strategic Faciliation Process

We work from the inside out beginning with individual leadership, progressing to team productivity, then addressing organizational effectiveness and finally, customer partnership.


Individual Leadership

The most effective way to develop a strategic advantage is to bring forth and build on the inherent leadership qualities of each individual in the group.

Developing individual potential means motivating employees to go beyond their ordinary level of performance and bring out their expanded capacity for creativity, cooperation, and leadership. This means more than just rearranging processes or controlling what people do; it means enhancing their awareness of who they are and what they can accomplish.

Move As One™ begins by coaching the members of the team to identify their personal visions, values, and passions. This involves:

  • Identifying where each member is now in relation to where they would like to be and what they would like to accomplish in their life
  • Helping each member develop a sense of responsibility for their attitudes, words, and actions
  • Identifying each member’s values, visions, passions, strengths, weaknesses and latent abilities
  • Identifying career growth opportunities for each person, while managing expectations
  • Helping the members position themselves to successfully implement their career goals
  • Enhancing each person’s morale, motivation, creativity, leadership abilities, communications skills, and readiness to embrace change.
  • Determining how each member’s personal goals align with the purpose of the team and organization as a whole

Team Productivity

As the members of the team claim their strengths, passions, and career goals, they become eager to come forth and offer these resources for achieving the common task. At that point, the next step is to make the workings of the team harmonious, focused, and efficient.

A strong, successful team is one that flies together toward a unified goal like a flock of geese. The most successful teams are made up of empowered individuals who come together strong and whole to join in creating a common vision based on each member’s values and passions.

To transform a teams into an integrated, dynamic force that consistently performs with leadership, innovation, and excellence, it involves:

  • Identifying, sharing, and releasing reactive attitudes about perceived limits and frustrations
  • Removing barriers to effective team communication
  • Discovering and understanding the perspectives of all team members
  • Increasing trust, acceptance, and cooperation between team members
  • Building a sense of being a part of a larger, supportive whole
  • Identifying each member’s essential role in the team as a whole
  • Developing the creative problem solving skills, habits, and attitudes needed for synergistic performance
  • Establishing a clear vision and team identity as a unified force
  • Joining to develop innovative products and solutions

Organizational Effectiveness

Once a team breaks out of the reactive mode and starts working together synergistically, its members begin to focus on the long-range view and how they can further improve their team’s effectiveness by extending their new level of synergy to the larger systems of which they are a part.

Move As One begins to transform the cultural environment of the organization as a whole, as the empowered team reaches out to its internal customers, suppliers, and associates to extend its own renewal to the larger system. The original team members lead the way in moving the entire organization to a more productive—and therefore more profitable—position. This involves:

  • Exploring ways to improve processes throughout the organization
  • Seeding the transformation of other working teams throughout the system
  • Exploring how to serve the needs of internal clients in more productive and effective ways
  • Reaching deeper into the leadership abilities of each member of the original team
  • Including customers, suppliers, and associates in the MOVES process to design improved processes, systems, and ways of interacting
  • Designing systems that help employees remain proactive rather than lapsing into reactive habits
  • Asking strategic questions, such as: “What makes sense for the whole organization?” and “How will the company benefit?”
  • Acting as an internal catalyst for positive changes that result in a more integrated, unified organization

Customer Partnership

As internal teams become more productive, their members realize that they possess the power to make any system more effective. They begin to apply their new skills in “moving as one” (thinking in unified terms) to the challenges posed by the external environment, such as establishing strategic alliances and achieving market leadership.

Move As One engages the participants to join with their external customers, suppliers, and stakeholders to build strong partnerships that provide the company with greater market power. This involves:

  • Applying unified thinking to the global marketplace and economy
  • Exploring ways to establish leadership in the marketplace
  • Bringing customers into the MOVES process to improve their satisfaction and loyalty
  • Bringing suppliers into the MOVES process to improve their commitment and joint productivity
  • Bringing other stakeholders into the MOVES process as needed to take advantage of their perspectives and address their concerns
  • Developing other strategic alliances and partnerships to provide greater profitability, innovation, and market power
  • Becoming aware of the impact of external forces and the global economy on the company’s decisions and actions
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